This again.


So a while ago I posted about how this girl whom I have not spoken to in 2 years was upset about me not telling her about my pregnancy. Now months later a mutual friend of ours is visiting me and she wants to FT me and see my belly. I don’t understand the point. The mutual friend has played devils advocate this entire time defending the other girl and trying to make every excuse in the book for her as to why I should contact her. So fucking awkward. She’s been bugging me all day since 8am. I’m trying to be cordial and the mutual friend thinks I’m putting her in the middle somehow when this was the last shit on my mind. Not once has she taken my side or just noticed how many reasons I’ve given her this is awkward and uncomfortable. I don’t want animosity between anyone but she is a complete stranger just trying to be nosy. It doesn’t make sense. It sucks but now I feel like our mutual friend is not so mutual as I thought.