Please help me my baby is starving himself


Ladies what do I do im at a loss a frankly scared. My son has been formula fed since he came home from the hospital along with me still trying to breast feed but i am inadequate at best. I stopped and turned to pumping which has been better i was able to give him a few meals a day without any substitute that is me pumping the entire time he naps though so at night i try to sleep while he sleeps so i can actually rest but obviously he wakes up hungry and he refuses to formula feed anymore. I thought maybe if he got hungry enough he will eat formula. I've fought with him now and managed to feed him 2 ounce he napped woke up fought again another 2ounce right now fought got him to eat 1ouce. It's almost been 12hours this baby normally eats 4-5 ounce a feeding. Im really worried about him. My supply also drops at night from me pumping 5-3 and if i only pump 3 that's all he'll eat and i know he needs more i know he's hungry he gets so upset he just lays there and looks defeated but what am i supposed to do. (He also refuses breast cause my let down is either to slow or non existent) im at a loss and so worried about his health. Currently pumping hoping ill have something decent for him to eat in half an hour and yes it takes me that long to make 4ounces