My husband won't steel a baby with me!

In the spring, my testosterone and tsh were too high, so I was put on birth control and another medication for that. I went and had my labs retested on Monday for our appointment with the fertility specialist today.

At the appointment we were supposed to go over my labs and discuss the next step (which was supposed to be stopping the birth control and starting letrozole). After waiting for almost 2 hours after our appointment was supposed to start, the nurse came in and could not find my testosterone level anywhere, it said that lab was cancelled, even though they took the blood for it. So essentially, this whole appointment was a waste.

The nurse leaves the room to get the Dr and I look over to my husband and tell him we should just steel a baby. It would be so much easier! (Obviously I'm completely joking. After 3 years of infertility, I just want a baby! ). He told me no! He wouldn't even think about it, ugh!

This was more of a vent about my appointment, I'm frustrated. This appointment could have been done through email and I could have had my testosterone retested in my town. We drove almost an hour away for this appointment and my husband and I both took the day off work for it. They went ahead and drew blood today to retest my testosterone and will have those results Monday or Tuesday, so in the mean time, I'm continuing the birth control until we find out if my testosterone has dropped. If it has, I will stop birth control and start letrozole after my period starts. I was so excited thinking today would be my last day of birth control and we can finally move forward. These side effects have been kicking my butt.




Wow, y'all are really that caught up on me using the wrong steel/steal? That's all you gathered from this? I'm clearly going through a hard time and all you can do is point out a spelling error. That really says a lot about you.

And by the way, it was my auto correct. My auto correct really sucks and when it decides it doesn't like a certain word, it refuses to type it. Every time I type "poke" it changes it to "home". Every time I type "hike" it changes it to "bike". So next time you want to pick on someone for spelling something incorrectly or using the wrong word, actually use your head for a moment. Think to yourself, maybe it's auto correct, maybe they are using talk-to-text. Technology is not perfect.