Ear infections


Do any of y’all have any advice on ear infections? I’m at my whits end here.... my daughter has had 6 now. We are on our 3rd antibiotic and they just aren’t going away anymore. She’s 8 months old. We have an appointment with a specialist to consult about getting tubes and I hope those will help and her pain will be over with but it could be weeks before the surgery is scheduled. Is there anything I can do to relieve some of her pain from experience that has worked for any of y’all? She won’t even sleep in her crib any more. She’s never coslept with us until now because the only thing that gives her comfort is cuddling with me. It hurts me to see her hurt this bad and on top of all of this she’s cutting 2 more teeth. I’m a stay at home mom and just trying to do anything and everything I can to comfort her. I feel like we live at the doctors office. She’s back to eating her bottles now but refuses her baby food. She will maybe take 2 bites and then spit out the rest. She will only nap during the day if she lays in bed with me. She just screams and fussed so much. I miss my happy little girl!