Bed time

Soo my son has always went to bed between 7-8pm, ALWAYS. However he has never wanted to sleep 12 hours like its recommend. He will wake up after 10 at the most ready to start the day at 530. If I give him a bottle he will go back to bed an hour later for maybe 45 minutes-1 hour. Last night he ended up going to be around 930 and woke up for the day at 730, no wakes up at all. It was pretty nice to not have to get up and make a bottle lol. I know he’s eating enough throughout the day 100%. The piggy has 3 big boy meals a day along with 5 bottles. I guess I’m just wondering if it’s okay for him not to sleep the 12 hours as recommended, he seems fine this morning and is a happy baby after 10 hours.