Song for your first born?


So idk if it is because I am pregnant with baby number 2 but does anyone else have a song they have dedicated to their first born? Mine is Godspeed (sweet dreams) by the Dixie chicks... omg it just came on my playlist and I just wanna cry and cuddle my toddler 😅🤷‍♀️ if you dont know the song, here are some of the lyrics....

"The rocket racer's all tuckered out

Superman's in pajamas on the couch

Goodnight moon we'll find the mouse

And I love you

Godspeed little man

Sweet Dreams little man

Oh, my love will fly to you each night on angel's wings

Godspeed (Sweet Dreams)

God bless Mommy and matchbox cars

God bless Dad and thanks for the stars

God hears "amen" wherever we are

And I love you"

😭😭😭😭😭❤ ugh!, love this song so much lol anyway...

Does anyone else have songs that makes them think of their 1st baby? I'd love to hear them ❤