Help! I made a big mistake and I don’t know what to do!


So basically in December I got a big role in my local community theatres production of elf the musical jr. I got Jovie. I had a crush on this kid at the time who we will call Jeff. Now I liked Jeff a lot but he didn’t come to my show. However someone else did we will call him Eli. I really liked Jeff so when my friend texted me saying this kid named Eli thinks you are cute I was not interested cause I liked someone. So about a week later me and jeff started dating it lasted a couple weeks until I found out he cheated on me on the school bus. So then my next musical starts I’m much over Jeff and I see Eli standing there. Now Eli decides to talk to me about the group chat we were in and I didn’t really know him so I was just being friendly. By the end of tech week I caught feelings for Eli and now I’ve liked him for 4 months. Do you think I still have a chance with him? He really liked me in December I just blew him off for some loser. Please help I know this is a long story.