Am i stupid for feeling this way

My boyfriend and I’ve been together for almost a month but known each other longer. I’m a more public person where my boyfriend really shy and private.

So obviously people find it weird when I post him on everything and he doesn’t post me but obviously from me knowing him for so long I know why and it doesn’t really bother me tbh.

Well I’ve had this “ friend” who hits me up when her friends aren’t around or she wants pictures of my bunny Lmaoo.

She always likes my Tweets of dumb shit I post like “ I feel like we aren’t connected” but I’m not even aiming at my relationship.

Well tonight she follows my boyfriend on insta who she never met or knows about because my boyfriend literally a hour away from where I stay so no one knows about him besides me posting him occasionally.

She always had this weird thing of following boys I like or talk to and it’s starting to piss me off. Obviously my boyfriend followed back because unfortunately boys do that because their stupid.

I’m ready to snap on him but it might be little to people so I haven’t said anything besides make a Twitter post saying “ Idk why people feel the need to disrespect me and go after my boyfriend”

Obviously if he falls into that then he was never loyal either but it’s so annoying especially with me leaving soon for 5 months and I’m just heated