

So six months ago I had my youngest, he's also my first to successfully breastfeed.

Well I'm kinda at a loss now, I was put on the pill at my six week follow up but I've yet to have my period. I'm not a emotional person normally but lately I've found I have been. For example last night me and my hubby were rewatching supernatural and we watched the episode where Jo and Ellen died, I didn't react at all the first time I saw it and yet last night I cried. Idk if maybe breastfeeding is making me more emotional or what but Im now getting parniod. Between my emotions of late and literally every time I tell my mom I have news her guessing I'm pregnant is messing with me.

Mind u this is the same women who said I looked pregnant in this dress (I've had three kids for crying out loud)

Like literally I sent her the above picture of me, her, my dad and my kids (bio n step) and she literally asked me if I was pregnant because I looked like I was... so I'm trying to not think about her comment much but now... Let's just say this momma is parniod and another baby is not in the plans right now.

Has anyone else not had a period while breastfeeding??

Has anyone else be more emotional then normal??

I need advice, thoughts anything at this point lol.

I have an appointment September 10th as it is but I'm trying not to think about it but if I am my mom is going to loose her shit cus she's the one taking me (my van was recently totalled)