I love him...

Hey you guys! So here’s a lil story and some backstory, let me just hop right into it. So in seventh grade (last year) at the beginning in my class there was this kid let’s call him Nick. Nick and I actually became friends around early December last year. We actually became friends in math class lol. But we became really close right away. Meanwhile I had a crush on this DIPSHIT I’m gonna use his real name for the hell of it his name is Christian. Christian was a manipulative prick but I didn’t see that since I had a GIANT crush on him. The next year starts (2019) and everything’s going well accept for Christian by March that is the bittersweet month Nick and I had this other friend let’s call him Ollie. Ollie was very sweet and funny and just an awesome human in general. Nick, Ollie and I were literally so close when then Ollie and I had a HUGE fight over what? NOTHING he just started acting like a prick. Meanwhile I was on vacation in LOVE with Christian, I was in for it but I didn’t know at ALL. So I told Christian I liked him after an hour of us sending hearts back and forth and he was all “ I don’t like u blah blah blah.” And then I confronted him on manipulating me and ANOTHER BIG FIGHT. March ended and I was a mess. But then I noticed something. I had Nick the entire time so I was like screw dickhead Christian, Eli was just waiting for me! So I just started liking him and I was a MUCH happier person since we had all our classes together and it was great. But some

info on Nick he is VERY insecure he always wears hoodies and is always nervous, if he ever liked anyone he wouldn’t tell me or Ollie who is closer to him then me so it’s always a secret with him. But Nick started to like me and I loved it. Once again he would never admit it but I knew. Next thing you know seventh grade ended and I was TORN. I was freaking out the ENTIRE summer about wether or not we would be in the same homeroom since if he wasn’t the only classes we could have together were elective, P.E., and your break hours. Long story short last minute he was switched out of my homeroom. And some more info he has these two asshole friends who are just dicks for no reason and I’m way to scared to go over there and talk to him. We have the same elective though. So I tried my hardest to get over him after thinking of him the entire summer but nothing worked. Not even me pouring out my heart and soul telling him my feelings for him. IM STILL IN LOVE AND CONFUSED AS HELL. And about Ollie, I miss him so bad I need a way to tell him that I miss his friendship and I’m even willing to be a kiss ass to get my buddy back and that’s something I never do. So I need help. What should I do? What are some tips to get over him? How should I tell him something a 13 year old shy boy would understand? Idk what to do and it’s killing me, if you just read this entire thing you are an ANGEL and I love you! Anyways plz get comment help cuz ya girl needs it! Thanks! ❤️