Begging for help/tips/advice/anything!!

L 💕✨ • 🌈 💚 Momma to Nora 01.15.19 | Baby Brother coming 11.17.2022 🐻💙

Mamas.... this is my desperate cry for some tips to get my baby girl to sleep while at daycare!!

She is 7 months and we LOVE her small in-home daycare. It is just a lady and her daughter that run it. She has been there for 3 months now and honestly I was jealous at first because she would nap for them during the day but I had a hard time getting her to nap outside of my arms at home. But lately she just..will..not..nap!

She does fine at night. We have a bedtime routine that’s been in place since she was 9 weeks old and she sleeps in her room in her crib every night, waking a couple times to nurse and then back to sleep.

What do I do about her not sleeping at daycare? If I was home with her, I would do whatever it took to get her some daytime sleep in, but I’m sure it’s hard to do that when you’re watching a few babies at a time. Should I ask them to maybe bounce with her a bit to get her to fall asleep? She is TIRED. That’s not the issue, she just is stubborn and won’t go down for a nap.

She used to take 2-4 naps a day and I have no idea what is causing her to fight it so bad now. 😩😩😩 She is so exhausted when I lick her up each day. She falls asleep in the car and I usually sit in the driveway and let her sleep for as long as 45 minutes sometimes just so she isn’t miserable!!

Any advice? How do I approach her daycare ladies? Have any of you mamas had similar experiences?