Divorce or no?

Hello guys, I am writing here to get some advice because I do not know what to do. I have been married for a few years and even though my husband had anger issues before we had a child, they were not as bad as they are now. He says the meanest things to me and I just wanted to see if this what I am living through is normal or not. To begin with, when he gets mad he will tell me things like "you are lazy, you smell, you are dirty, you are stupid, you are a freak." If I am doing something that causes me to no give attention to my son, I am a terrible mother. I used to go to the gym after I gave birth and he was always angry that I would go and work out. He would tell me things like how I don't have time for the gym and I shouldn't be going. One time I woke up and he told me he would take our son to the park and told me to rest. I told him I would go to the gym to work out. He said okay but I would rather you rest. I came back from the gym, and he came back from the park. He started bitching telling me what kind of wife am I. All I care about is the gym and not him or the baby. I woke up and just went straight to the gym. I looked at him in disbelief. He was the one who told me to go to the gym. While I was on maternity leave, my son had colic. He cried every night. My husband would get mad. There was a time when I was in a lot of pain due to health issues that I didn't know about until I went to the doctor's. In the meantime before I knew I would walk in pain to grab my son he would bitch how I was slow and would tell me "ugh I will just do it" . Then he would talk to our son in baby talk and tell him "your mom is crazy." Another thing that happened was when he would work and our son would cry, I would need to do things because I would be all home with him. My husband would come home from work and bitch about how he has to work and come home to be working again. He would always bitch about him being the only one making money even though I was too, but I was on maternity leave. I went back to work earlier just so I wouldn't listen to him telling me that. It hurt my feelings. He constantly comments about what kind of mother I am. He tells me many times that I am irresponsible and slow. He gets mad every other day or so. While the baby was younger he wouldnt let me take him anywhere because he was too young. When ai want to do something most of the time we have to cancel because he doesn't want to go because we are "stressing" the baby. (Because going to the malll is so stressful) He sometimes doesn't eat the things I make so I don't cook everyday because of it. I eventually lost motivation because I would always throw food away. I also wanted to get my master's and he tells me I don't have time for that. He doesn't really motivate me or tell me he believes in me. In a way I kind of don't have confidence in myself. I think if he was different towards me I would. We hav le talled about divorce before and he jist says if you want a divofce then so do I . Or he will say ok then leave. Whwn I suggested we could be friends and co parents he would say I don't want to have any contact with you if we divorce. There are many other things I could say but I think this is enough. I feel like he doesn't love me or appreciate me and I am just wasting my time. Please let me know your opinions. What should I do?