His anger issues..

When we fight, he loses his feelings towards me. It’s like I stop being his girlfriend and I become his enemy. He yells at me, he curses at me, and he says things to me that hurt.

“Get the fuck out of my face”, “That’s on you, you did this to yourself”, “Omg here you go crying again. Seriously can’t say shit to you without you being a baby”, “You’re the problem. You’re the one causing all of this”, “Well right now you’re annoying me so stop fucking calling, don’t text, and just leave me the fuck alone”...he hangs up the phone when I’m mid-sentence, he gets on his phone and ignores anything I say, he interrupts me and never lets me finish...it’s verbal abuse.

Tonight we got into an argument and he dropped me off and sped off. It hurt me that he wouldn’t kiss me goodnight and it hurt me more that he didn’t even look up from his phone. When I was waiting for him to look at me, he said “So are you getting the fuck out or what”. I got out and under my breath I told him that I hated him for treating me like crap. He was supposed to text me when he got home which he always does even when we’re fighting and he didn’t. I called him 8+ times, and texted him 4 times and nothing. When he’s mad, he’ll decline my calls and tell me that’s he’s home so I can leave him alone. When he didn’t answer, I freaked out...I was worried something had happened to him, I started crying because I felt so bad about what I said, I wanted to take back the fight and this is what I got...

My anxiety and depression gets bad and he didn’t even care. The whole time I was worried about him and he didn’t give any fucks about me..