Nesting: I thought I skipped it!

I’m 36 weeks tomorrow and honestly thought I skipped nesting because everyone told me they started nesting at 34ish weeks. But yesterday my nan was telling me hers started at around 37 weeks and she gave birth at 38.5 weeks so I was like oh great it’ll probably happen in the next few weeks. Then BAM today it happened. I was so tired and lazy then at 3pm I got a sudden urge to clean. I emptied out all of the kitchen cabinets and scrubbed them on the inside and out, organised all the food and kitchen bits nice and neat, scrubbed the kitchen tiles, done 2 loads of laundry, hoovered the floors, dusted tables and even picture frames, I’ve only now just sat down to sort the laundry and realised it’s almost 8pm and I’ve been cleaning for 5 hours. My back is KILLING but I need to keep going I still have the bathroom to do! So yes I never skipped nesting at all! It’s only just beginning😂😂😂😫😫😫 omgimsotiredhelpme