Over stimulation on clomid


Last month (July) I took clomid 100mg cd5-9! It was my first cycle on clomid. On Cd19 finally got a pos OPK & cd 20 had the absolute worst pelvic pressure and pain/cramping in the left lasting about 4 days! Cd26 did progesterone test which was 54.9!! I was certain I ovulated just with symptoms alone but wow progesterone was in fact high! Has this happened to anyone?? I decided to not even do clomid this month and give my body a break! Doc recommended decreasing dose to 50mg but the ovulation symptoms I had were almost unbearable! Luckily I was off work those days but took awhile to recover! I’m worried even doing 50mg. So I’m going to see if I will ovulate on my own this month since I was overstimulated last month!! 🤞🏼! Just wondering if anyone out there has been in the same boat and what was your outcome?