Anxiety? Depression? Lack of motivation?


Anyone else dealing with these things 5 months pp?

It might be because I’m not employed right now but I can’t even find it in myself to get dressed for the day or do my makeup.

I have 2 kids under 3 and they wake me up in the mornings. The first thing I do is help them get situated for their day and you know how it goes,No mama time until nap and that’s always a toss up whether they nap at the same time or not.

I’m considering going to see a therapist, but I really feel like it won’t help.

My husband is great, he helps lots when he’s home even if he’s super tired from work, if I’m having a bad day mentally he always steps in for me.

I just want to be able to take the kids out of the house without worrying about what people think or how I look but mostly I want the motivation and desire to take them out cause lately I hardly have that. I feel like a failure most days. I don’t have patience with my almost 3 year old, and I hardly feel getting down on the floor to play with my 5 m old.

Maybe I need some medication..

if you’ve dealt with this please send some insight and encouragement.