Miserable with GD


I’ve just completed my first week of trying to diet control and have been miserable! Each day I start with really high fasting numbers which in turn, makes breakfast high, and then throws my day off 😩 I already know my next appointment They’ll put me on medication and/or insulin.

I went from having the best pregnancy and feeling better than ever- even from before I became pregnant. Now I’m obsessing over food all day every day and feeling hungry and guilty when my numbers are high.

I’ve NEVER had a good relationship with food. I’ve had food addiction since some of my earliest childhood memories. I don’t binge eat like I used to in the past but I do still find comfort in food. I don’t do diets well because I become absolutely obsessed and then miserable like I am now. How I live my normal life and to curb my obsessions is to always make sure we have a house full of groceries and at least know what I’ll be cooking for dinner each night. We don’t eat out unless we’re out of town for the weekend or another special occasion. And I eat fairly healthy!! Always incorporating fruits and veggies into my meals and snacks. I would usually allow myself one treat a day in the form of a sweet or one juice/soda/tea if I’m craving it. Other than that, I strictly drink water only.

Every day this week has been a “bad day” for me because I’m constantly opening and closing the fridge, setting timers, googling what is and isn’t ok... I feel myself slipping into depression. I have not done anything productive this week around my house.

Anyone else having this much trouble? Any tips? What will insulin or Metaformin do for me? I hope I don’t sound like a whining baby. My food issues run deep. I’m trying everything to keep myself and baby healthy but I don’t want to lose my sanity and happiness in the process 😩