Painful sex since getting pregnant?

I’m just over 15 weeks pregnant, and since about 6 weeks I’ve been unable to really have asked with my husband because it’s so uncomfortable and sometimes hurts so badly I have to stop entirely.

We’ve tried adding condoms to the mix, -TMI but really “prepping” me to add some natural lubricant (I’ve never had any issues being dry and still really don’t) but still it feels like razors being drug down the inside of my vagina.

I was hoping it would fade with first trimester symptoms, but so far all my symptoms are still here including the nausea and horribly sensitive nipples, and mood swings from hell.

Our anniversary is this weekend, and I would love nothing more to enjoy each other. He’s been so patient but I can tell he’s frustrated too.

Any suggestions on how to make it easier? Anything that may have helped you?

Thank you in advance!