Separation Anxiety?


Hoping some of you more experienced mamas can help...My eight-month old is beginning to deal with separation anxiety. Every day this week, she has cried when I pass her off to the caregiver at her daycare - someone she knows well by now 🙁 When we get home on weeknights, it's Meltdown Central if I put her down, even for a moment - it makes doing simple things like washing dishes, prepping dinner, or even taking a pee near impossible 🤦‍♀️ On weekends, things seem better, which leads me to believe that she simply misses me during the workday. I wish I could explain it to her: Mommy will always be there for her, Mommy will always come back for her. I joke that she has a bubble and if I leave the perimeter of said bubble, she loses it. Her daddy does his best to help, but she really gets upset when he takes her away from me, even to just leave the room. How do/did you guys cope with this? So far, I've begun baby-wearing again, which helps a bit, but we all know it's a temporary fix.