Family members discplining your child - what's acceptable??


This could be a controversial topic of conversation? Anyways, I was recently at a family gathering and witnessed a situation that made me think.

Situation for context: Cousins are playing (ages 5-7). Cousin A comes to her mother saying that cousin B is swearing and saying bad things. A's mothers asks what B is saying, A responds: "B is saying 'girls are fucking bitches." A's mother tells her to go talk to her father so he can handle the situation. Meanwhile, B's father is standing there and listening to A, his response? "If you don't like what he's saying then leave him alone. Don't play with him because I know how you are." Not only was he rude to A (a 7 yr old girl) he also didn't acknowledge or correct his own son's behavior. So, A runs off crying, feelings obviously hurt because of how her uncle just spoke to her.

It really upset me. My child is only 18 months so I don't have any experience with a situation like this, I don't know if I was overreacting in my feelings of being upset, but I started thinking about how I would react in a situation like, did B's father have the right to speak to A like that?? I think absolutely not and had it been me and my child I wouldn't have sat there saying nothing. Then, my stream of consciousness being the rabbit hole it is ....

Does it make a difference who the family member is, i.e. if it's someone you're super close to vs. someone you only see on major holidays? IF you spank your kids, are you okay with anyone other than you handling your children like that?

What do you guys think? Do family members have a right to discpline your children?

Let's discuss.