Loss at 19 weeks. Help?


This a hard post to write as I had lost my 19 week old baby boy due to my cervix opening up 5 cm too late for a cerclage. The dr tried his best to perform the heroic cerclage but unfortunately the sac popped too soon due to the bulging membranes. It's too soon as a couple for us to want to try again but sometime this year with God's blessing we can conceive that baby. I just feel so guilty that I couldn't save my healthy baby with a healthy heartbeat and just like that it was over. I wouldn't want anyone to ever go through something like this. We are having his body cremated and we will buy a little urn to take home with us and create a little decorative cubby dedicated to our, Kal.

The doctor said next time a cerclage would be highly recommended for me and progesterone shots. Has anyone gone through what I have and had a cerclage and taken weekly progesterone shots to help. How successful was it for you? Answers are needed so next time I can take more precautions. Thank you.