Customers blaming me

Hey guys,

So i’ve been working at my job for 2 years now. I got the job as my dad worked here and got me in and his very close friend and our family friend is the manager.

Now at my job I basically sign people up on contracts for services. When signing the contracts one of the forms I give them is our ‘policy’ form. Now when I give this form I tell them to read it initial each page and sign the last page. At least 80% of people just sign and don’t bother reading.

But now what’s happening is that people who are trying to cancel their services before their contract has ended are given 2 options. They can cancel with either a medical certificate (from a doctor) or for re location with proof. Now if they cancel with any of the 2 given reasons it’s required they give us 4 weeks notice and pay $120 cancellation fee.

If they cannot give us any of the 2 reasons then they are stuck in their contract until it has ended. When people ask about our cancellation policies I explain this to them very clearly. But what’s happening is a customer every here or there will try to cancel and once they get their fee of $120 they blame me and tell my manager that I never said there was a cancellation fee and I told them they could cancel at any given time,

Now I’m lucky the manager is my family friend and he knows these people are lying to avoid paying the fee but it seems to be a new person every few months making complaints and slandering me. And it’s really unfair as I am just doing my job and I would NEVER tell someone there is no fee as it doesn’t benefit me that these people are signing these contracts as I only get my monthly pay and I don’t get paid commission who I sign up.

So it’s just really unfair and I’m getting worried my manager my get sick of it and fire me or start to believe these liars..

Any advice or help