Any advice appreciated!!


Hey mamas. I am 27 weeks tomorrow, I woke up today not feeling my best. I’ve ate, drank water etc. I’m a nurse i use to work in OB so I’ve been trying to pinpoint whats going on but I’m at a loss. I’m extremely shaky and dizzy, seeing spots on occasion but not often. Some chest pressure (but this happens to me randomly anyway) pulse and blood pressure totally normal, as well as my blood sugar I checked all at home. Baby was active this AM and I felt him move after I ate once but he’s quiet now (I’m sure just sleeping because he’s active in early hours of the morning and usually sleeps by now) no contractions or cramps. I just feel awful. No fever or flu/ sickness symptoms. I went to put away groceries and literally am dropping stuff because I’m so shaky. Any advice mamas??