Are baby showers Tacky??


I never really thought of it as even being controversial, but I guess it is. I don’t see anything wrong with them. I’ve seen a few people say that they’re “tacky” and it’s to “gift grab”. But here’s my thing, there is so much money that goes into a baby shower, you have to rent out a space most likely, you have to get decorations, games, gifts for winners, a cake, food and drinks, etc. I know people are “supposed to throw one for you.” But honestly who feels comfortable letting someone drop that much money on a baby shower? I know a lot of people who have done it themselves. And I’ve never in my life been to a baby shower where they even ask for gifts, more or less expensive gifts. It’s always a outfit or two, a blanket maybe, something cute, idk, but never anything expensive. If they really wanted the gifts, wouldn’t they take the money spent throwing the baby shower, and buy all that stuff? I’ve always looked at it like getting together with close friends and family and having fun and welcoming a new baby, not inviting everyone in your family and extended cousins expecting them to bring a $200 gift like some people make it out to be. If you don’t want to buy a gift, don’t go. Easy as that. I’ve been inviting to many baby showers, and I have never thought “pfft, they just want free shit.” Like wtf?? I get excited!! If you can’t afford to buy a gift, I totally understand and I’ve totally been there. But just make up an excuse to why you can’t go, it’s not a big deal. I honestly just never realized people were judgmental about baby showers and I’m honestly kind of blown away by the rudeness I’ve seen.

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