So my unborn child’s father and I was together for 2 1/2 years. I’ve known him since high school but we never dated nor paid one another any kind. We broke up going on about a year and a half and we were still having sex off and on which is why I’m 16 weeks pregnant.

So, when I found out I was pregnant, he finally told me that there were 2 other girls who are claiming to be pregnant by him. He stated that if 1 get an abortion all of us getting one, and if I think having this baby is going to keep him, it’s not! (Not my intentions AT ALL). He also stated he don’t want no kids, and was just being extremely rude. Also, he stated he wanted a DNA test and he was getting one at the hospital!🙄 I’m like ok! I don’t give a damn! I know who I laid up with! Keep in mind this is my second child by him. The first one I miscarried due to excessive amount of stress. Oh yea, he begged me to have a baby by him which was why I was so applaud by his reaction with this one. I cried my heart out because I was so sick of it all and I felt I needed him! At this time I’m about 7 weeks pregnant. 9 weeks roll around and all of a sudden, one of the girls miscarriage (supposedly) and the other girl I guess baby magically disappeared. Shit, I don’t know. He told me that basically I’m the only one pregnant! Do I believe him? I don’t know men lie!

So I guess it begin to soak in that I was pregnant and there wasn’t anything he could do to make me get an abortion. I don’t speak to him everyday because I don’t call him nor do he call me, but we begin having sex when I was about 13 weeks. He will call me in the wee hours of the night asking if I’m awake and of course I’m like yea, duh, what’s up. He comes over and we have sex! 🙄.. did I mention he has all these different gurl calling his phone! I told him I hope they’re worth him not being here for me and this baby! Anyways, this last time he was gone out of town for about a week. He calls me again at 4:00am as soon as he got of the plane saying hey I’m about to come over there! 🙄 he comes over talking about I missed you give me a hug blah blah blah n go on to say I really can’t believe you pregnant and things seem so surreal but I’m excited! I’m like wtf! I had intentions on cutting him off until the baby got here because I feel he deals with me when it’s convenient for him, and laying up doesn’t make it better.

Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? Am I being dumb and naive? How did your situation end?

Sorry for the long post! My mind is all over the place!