Birth story: NO EPIDURAL (VBAC)


My due date was September 5th, the dr decided to induce me August 29th since I was dialated at a 2. My husband and I got to the hospital at 8 am August 29th I was started on pitocin by 9 am but was started slowly at 1 due to me having a previous VBAC(2016) (had a c section 2015) every hour they turned it up little by little around 11 am I was turned up to 5 (3cm dialated) I started getting contractions every 10 mins or so at 1pm they broke my water and turned it up to 6 and I was getting constant strong contractions the nurse decided to turn it back down to 5 due to the contractions being back to back with no rest (I was now at 5cm dialated) . At around 4pm my contractions got really strong I was leaning over on my bed the nurse came back in and saw my contractions were as consistent as they were when I was at a 6 she gave me some medicine through my IV to help me relax right after she put the medicine in I felt dizzy, 10 mins later the medicine wore off and I started having the strong consistent contractions (2mins apart) the nurse decides to check my cervix around 4:30pm I am now at a 7 I told her I was feeling pressure so she went for the labor equipment. About 5 mins later I told my husband and sister I was ready to push my sister told me to relax it was just the pressure from the baby coming down I told her no this baby is coming now so my sister told me if I feel that pressure with my next contraction she would call the nurse I got another contraction and felt the urge to push so she went for the nurse, the nurse came in checked my cervix and sure enough I was at a 10 less than 15 mins from my last cervix check. The dr was called he was on his way in the elevator the nurse told me to go ahead and do what my body was telling me to do so I pushed (they told me to only give little pushes) but that pressure and ring of fire was hell. The dr comes in and he hurries up and gets ready 2 pushes later I have my daughter at 4:42pm weighing 6lbs 13 oz. Everyone was so shocked I dialated so quick especially my sister since she’s had 3 natural births which is why she was there with me to be my doula. Before this birth I had never experienced a contraction due to having an emergency c section with my first (due to her being in fetal distress) with my second I had to have the epidural when induced (since my 1st and 2nd daughters were 13 months apart that was the only way I was able to have my VBAC). The nurses said I did great for some one that has never experienced a contraction.