Second baby 😳

So I found out on August 11th that I was pregnant and because of stupid military insurance with my husbands orders my first appointment isn’t until September 17th... I’m so nervous about this baby my daughter just turned 8 months old. I don’t know my due date or how far along I am but I have been so sick this time around I feel like I can’t eat I have to force myself to eat most days and all I want is water which isn’t a bad thing. I want to try breastfeeding again, I only made it 3 1/2 months with my daughter any tips on how to keep my supply up? As well as I feel I’m having a boy this time around which I hope it is but I’m all good with another little girl. Here’s my belly from my pregnancy with my daughter to now. What do you guys think

Top is with my daughter ❤️

This is now❤️