Ruining my marriage

We have a 2.5 year old son, and have been ttc for 1.5 years.. we had a miscarriage in March 2018, and after that everything seemed to fall apart.. we both did terrible things.. (cheating, lying, leaving, etc..) we worked through them, and we’re so happy for about 5 months, and I still am so in love and happy with him.. but I feel like everything is falling apart again.. he shows no interest in me anymore, he never wants to have sex, go out on dates, cuddle, kiss, he barely says “I love you” to me now.. and I feel like I’m falling apart because of it. My whole life revolves around him and our son.. I have no idea what to do.. I tried “spicing stuff up” in the bedroom, and he turned me away, I tried getting us a hotel room and having a “us night”, but he said he’d rather not “waste the money on something so useless”, I tried leaving cute notes for him in the mornings with breakfast and his work clothes set out for him, he didn’t say anything.. I feel like I’m failing as a wife, a mother, and just failing completely.. I couldn’t live my life without him, he’s been my rock for almost 4 years now.. I’ve lost everything, my family, my friends, my home, he’s been the only person sticking by me. And I feel like I’m loosing him.. I just don’t know how to handle it, or how to talk to him about it.. every time I bring it up he pushes it off and ignores me.. idk what to do anymore...