Baby at or a little over 35 weeks?


So, I went in for a checkup yesterday and my doctor said that baby is measuring on the larger side. He’s over 5lbs already and measuring 11 days ahead at 33 weeks (was 32 weeks at the time this was confirmed) and she thinks he may end up coming on his own with a little help... She’s going to let me go all the way to 39 weeks just because that’s her protocol, but she’s looking at me trying to get things moving myself between 35-37 weeks. I know the due date is just a guess and baby could actually be 11 days ahead... But I’m scared that if he does come at 35-36 weeks he will need NICU time and I won’t be able to take my baby home with me...😭

I also have gestational diabetes which is why she’s also okay with me trying to induce early, baby is growing at a rapid pace.

EDIT: She doesn’t want me to try and 100% get baby to come at 35 weeks, but she would slowly like for me to do things that’ll get my body ready so it will hopefully go into labor on it’s own as if we wait until 39 weeks the baby will be 10-11 pounds as I have a history of big babies without having gestational diabetes..