Harmony VENT


Can I please vent. 🙄

Had my harmony(NIPT) drawn 23 days ago. After 9 calls countless hold they finally tell me it was inconclusive. SHOCKER. so it’s been a week since my redraw and of course I call and they say well it’s not back yet. I paid $300 for this test. They don’t even call back when I leave messages. So I’m switching doctors but WTF during my last ultrasound they couldn’t see baby’s face so no idea until these results are back of Down syndrome or the gender. Annoyed. They act like assholes and brush me off ALL I WANT IS THE DAMN RESULT. so I’ll keep calling once a day. Some women get their results at 10 weeks. I’m now 16 and 1/2. And this practice doesn’t give you another until 28 weeks. I CAAANNNNOOOOTTT WAAAIITT. UGH

sorry rant over.