FET and sick

Jewels • 4 years TTC #1 🤰🏻, 3 surgeries and 3 IUIs, 2 chemical pregnancies, 1 Faithful God 🙏 IVF FET Sept 2019. BFP and pregnant with a Baby Boy due in May 💙👶🏻

Hi all! I had my FET on Tuesday 9/3 and ever since my Intralipids IV on Friday 8/30 I haven’t been feeling right. I know this is supposed to suppress my immune system but now my throat is dry, losing my voice, lots of sneezing and coughing. I am scared every time I sneeze since I’m putting pressure on myself :( I am also taking Prednisone as part of my meds along with estrogen, vivielle patch, PIO shots and vaginal progesterone capsules. Has this happened to anyone? I’m not sure whether I should call the clinic.