My mom


I’m just a emotional wreck right now honestly and I feel like it’s too much to think about in my head for me to make a actual judgement about it. If that makes since... My mom just got out of prison 6 months ago. She was there for a year and a half. She stayed in a half way house for the next 6 months. She just got out of the halfway house Tuesday. To explain it as short and as best as I can, my mom has never really been a typical mom. She was fine when my siblings and I were kids but she started spiraling out of control since I was 16. She went to prison for Multiple drug charges after years of doing and selling. I’m an adult now, have a 3 year old, married with one on the way. My son who is 3, doesn’t know her. She went to prison when he was a year old and even before that she had only seen him a few times because of her drug addiction. She’s doing very well, she found god, she got her own place, furnished it, she’s been working while in the halfway house, got a car, got custody of my little sister back who’s 15. And has been clean for a total of 2 years now. And She’s still on house arrest for 6 more months. She’s chose to stay living 4 hours away where she doesn’t know anyone so she won’t be tempted by any old friends. I have a lot of hope for her actually staying clean. And she wants to see my son so bad. I want her to see him and have a relationship with him, I’m just iffy about it. I believe she should be able to see her grandson. Everyone deserves a second chance and as long as she’s on the right path, I don’t see why not. My problem is, my son is not my husbands biological child. I had him in a previous relationship that I jumped into very young. After 2 and half years of his dad not wanting any custody, he decided to take me to court to get full custody. So I’m in the middle of a custody case. My sons dad is from a very “uppity” family and I obviously am not. they have never understood me or my family. Which, I understand, it’s not normal especially if you’ve never been around a drug addict. But they’re trying to use the fact that my mom went to prison for drugs against me. And I’m scared if I let her see him, even if she’s doing well, it will go against me. It just drives me crazy. My mom is a good person with a huge heart, she just got lost for awhile. I just really need to vent and let it all out instead of bottling it up and thinking about it too hard.