Husband laid off, 34 days to go


Hi ladies,

Due to factors completely out of his control, my husband will be laid off tomorrow. We both had equal and good/high incomes so we will still have my job with the family health insurance and 14 weeks of paid leave coming. 🙌

When we had my daughter 2+ years ago we both had career drama and I basically cried that whole pregnancy and we both (barely) got the good jobs right before having her. We moved in with a close friend who was newly divorced for the first 18 months of our daughter's life. That experience worked out but had its very trying times. I didn't get to relax or nest whatsoever for that pregnancy. I felt robbed of that experience. Thankfully, I have a healthy beautiful daughter sleeping next to me right now which I realize is what's important. We've also had our own place again now for a year.

This pregnancy has been happy and relaxing (no crying!). We thought this was our do-over. Now I feel sad and pissed off at the universe that the last 30 days (and probably beyond) are going to be different than we envisioned. Why couldn't we have dodged this?! We went through the ringer last time. Dammit!

We have a solid marriage, been together 15 years, and my husband is darn crafty and very resilient so I know we will endure. Just feeling surreal and down right now. Not knowing the details yet regarding any severance plan etc is keeping me up tonight. Trying to stay calm and focus on all the good we both have in life but this just STINGS right now.

The c-section to deliver our son is set for Oct 9th. Any kind or encouraging words are appreciated. I am being a loving and supportive spouse but at 35 weeks pregnant it's hard not to throw a pity party and shake my fists at the sky. Thanks for reading.