Help! Threw up during second glucose test!


Hey ladies,

I'm so frustrated with myself! I ate sooo healthy leading into my first glucose test, and I was so confident I would pass! I failed with a 152 when they were looking for 130. So I showed up to take my follow up glucose test, and vomited 30 minutes after drinking the drink. I'm a teacher, and I don't have paid maternity leave, and like an idiot didn't sign up for disability (hindsight and all...). This means every sub day I take off is one less paid day during my leave.

I'm also pretty terrified of having gestational diabetes. My mom had it with my baby sister, and she didn't monitor herself and now has severe type 2 diabetes.

So. Going back Monday and taking off. Any advice or help is more than welcome! Is it worth it to keep eating low carb/ no sugar in prep for the test? Because at this point I'm emotional about it all and really don't care...