The reunion.


"Are you sure this is good enough?" Kelly asked me and I sighed.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I looked her up and down.

"What if Alec is still as handsome as before, I can totally see us together again." That made me scoff and put on the bracelet unlike my best friend here who is wearing a dress that stop's at her knee's and red bottom shoes that she got from an ex, I am wearing a simple white crop top with some blue jean's and white Nike's.

"Alec was a cheater in high school he probably still is." I said and she scoffed.

"You not looking forward to seeing anyone?" She asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"Should I be?" She nodded her head and grabbed her clutch.

"Edward." When she said that my eyes went wide.

"You know he doesn't like when people call him that." When I said that I was shocked and so was she.

"How do even remember that it's been ten years." She said and I shrugged.

"He rather be called Tom." We both walked out the door and got into the limo for some reason she wanted to buy just for today.

"You show off to much." I said and she snickered.

"Well Alec was rich back then-"

"Correction his parent's were rich."

"So that mean's he got the money if they passed."

"And if they ain't dead yet?" I asked looking down to my phone.

"Not sure." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Look please don't let Adam ruin today." I groaned.

"Never say his name again." I said and she snickered.

"We're here."


Kelly and me were two hours into this reunion and she was dancing with Alec who low and behold was married without his wife tonight. I was drinking the free booze, I really didn't want to come here and see everyone that was dick's to me in high school.

"Adrian?" I looked over and internally groaned. "It's me Brittney." She chirped and I nodded my head a little sipping the drink. "You look really good, I see you lost all that weight." She said and I groaned.

"And you grew into your nose." I said and heard a laugh I turned my head and there he was walking up to us.

Edward Thomas Hardy, known to the world as Tom Hardy.

"It's crazy that I went to high school with you!?" Brittney said and Tom nodded his head starring at me.

"Hey." I smiled he still had his thick accent.

"Hi Tom." I mumbled and Brittney ran to the table her friends sat.

"So what have you been doing these ten years?" Tom asked and I looked his way.

"Nothing to exciting, definitely not as exciting as your life." I snickered and he smiled.

"I'm sure it was." He said and I turned around so I was face to face with him.

"You wanna get out of here?" When I asked that his eyes got wide.


"Kelly bought a limo." I said and his eyes went wide.

"You and Kelly are still friends?" He asked and I snickered.

"Yup." He shook his head.

"Didn't see that one coming, what about that dude that was always with you guys?" When he asked that I sucked in a breath.

"He should be on his way soon." I spit and he caught my tone because he left it alone.

"I see you still have that angry tone." He said and I snickered.

"Let's go." I said finishing the drink and we walked outside, I looked around to see the Limo now parked, I went to the front to see the driver is not here so I climbed into the back and pulled Tom with me.

"Can I ask what we are doin-" I cut him off by placing my lips against his he was shocked at first which made me more then happy he quickly took control and got my jean's off with a shift movement, I was naked at the bottom and he smirked, I let out a moan as Tom ran his finger up and down my clit, I got to his pant's sliding them down his thigh's till they were all the way to the floor, leaving him in only Calvin Klein underwear, he turned us around so I was laying under him he pulled my shirt off leaving me in only a bra kissing down my chest and to my thigh's he didn't start off slow making me moan out loud as he devoured me like no one ever has.

"Oh my fuck, fuck, fuck!" I threw my head back as he went faster, my eyes squeezed shut and I let it all go as he licked it up waiting till he had it all he came back up to my level, his lips immediately connecting with mine.

"Fuck, you taste just like you use to. Perfect." He growled into my ear and I wrapped my legs around his waist he gently entered me causing my body to tense and my back to arch. I forgot how big he was, or he got bigger. Either way it hurt right now. "Relax." He whispered then pulled out of me and got into a siting position he lifted me onto his lap and I slowly slid onto his hard member. "Just like that." He threw his head back as I was bouncing. His hands went to my waist and he started making me move faster then before, I slid his shirt off and ran my hands down his ab's, he hissed at the coldness but move faster in me so I knew he had to like it.

"Fuck! Yes, just like that, shit just like that." I moaned into his ear which caused his speed to increase and my body to shutter at the feeling I was getting his finger went to my clit which made me gasp in surprise when he started to circle my clit my body started to shake on top of him. "I'm gonna cum." I whimpered and tugged on his hair.

"Cum on my dick Adrian." And just like that I did as told and threw my head back his hands were still holding onto my waist steadying me on his lap, he quickly turned around and pulled my hair slamming in and out of me till he yelled out my name and I felt him cum inside me, before he pulled away and collapsed on the seat next to me both of us breathing in and out.

We both quickly got dressed and I was buttoning my pant's when the door opened.

"Look-" Kelly stopped when she seen us, her eyes went wide and she stepped back in the way, and without missing a beat she said. "I told you Adam she isn't here." She smirked at me before she closed the door I looked to Tom and then we both started laughing.

We got out and I walked inside five minutes after Tom did, looking over I seen he was standing with a women and then it hit me.

We are both married and just cheated.

That thought made me smirk.

I liked it.

Part 2?