My half sister part 30



I groaned as Chris dug his nails into my hips holding me tightly as he pounded into me from behind. All my limbs were starting to tremble with fatigue. We had fucked so many times I had lost count now for hours and hours. I had twisted myself upon ways I had forgotten I could bend. I am pretty sure Chris by now had kissed ever inch of me as I had with him, I fucking loved his body I always had and in those years apart it had barely changed. I dropped my chest down onto the bed lifting my bum up in the air as Chris gripped my hips tightly continuing to fuck me hard. My bedroom had changed from dark of night to dawn and now daylight and we still carried on. Chris was totally insatiable and well didn't need any encouragement I had more than missed him these part 6 years and nothing had eased the constant ache I felt the constant craving. The two of us we just fit together and for the first time I didn't have the deep ache in my heart. Chris leaned over and bit my side hard I squealed knowing Chris was marking me but I didn't give a fuck. I moaned as he continued to thrust his rock hard dick into me. I squealed as he continued to hit my g spot with every thrust. How I could still be enjoying this after so many hours I don't know but I was and I still wanted more.

"oh I love you. I love you." I panted as Chris moved his hands down and began massaging my breasts.

"god I am so fucking close." he groaned grabbing my hips.

"oh fuck me baby fuck me." I shouted as I felt myself begin to come. Chris groaned gripping my hips hard and came hot and hard inside me. I cried out loudly as I came. Chris purred gently running his hands down my naked back. I laughed,

"you can't be ready to go again."

"if your up for it baby. But I was honestly thinking... Pizza break." I chuckled and collapsed down on the bed that was more than a little damp. Chris lay behind me pulling me into him nuzzling into my hair.

"we are being spied on." I said playfully Chris sat up

"ollie come here baby" I sat patting the bed he leapt up. "hey baby do you need some food?" he leapt over me and began running himself against Chris,

"why do cats always insist on trying to force their ckmpany on dog people. He said playfully.

" well ill leave you two to your male bonding. " I said jumping out of bed feeling Chris warm cum sliding down my leg.

I had a quick shower wincing at how many scratches bites and bruises my romps with Chris had caused but I didnt regret a single one. I dressed and grabbed some juice on my way back to my room where I found Chris lying on his back with ollie lying on his chest all curled up purring contentedly biting Chris hand lightly every time he stopped stroking him. I smiled and held out a glass of orange juice.

"you've made a friend." Chris smiled but it was his fake smile and it was quickly gone.

"Sarah I.. I think we... We are back in reality now I... I know... Look I want to... I have to... I don't want to upset you but."

"Chris its okay."

"what happened what happened to our baby?" I sat down on the edge of the mattress keeping my back to Chris, biting my lip I looked at the floor.

"ok.i guess you have a right to know right. I.. I found out I was pregnant about a month after you left. Dylan brought me a pregnancy test I didnt have anyone else I could ask and he brought me the letter from you too. I didn't know what to do my parents I had frozen my accounts, taken my keys my wallet my phone the fucking wi fi password. I didn't... I knew if they found out they would make me have a termination so I wore a big thick jumper. Dad was so disgusted with me he would nt stay in the room with me longer than a few seconds. " Chris rubbed a hand across my back gently." so it was easy to hide from him and my mom she was more forgiving but well she still, she d I don't want to know. I told her finally when I was about 6 months pregnant. I had a bump only a little one. She told my dad and he well he wasn't happy, he yelled a lot and knocked me about a bit". Chris gripped my back. "anyway he sent me away they got me a house in the middle of nowhere mom took care of me just me and her I wasn't even allowed to go to hospital to have the baby he sent me a midwife. It wasn't so bad."

"I found out ," Chris said "Dylan told me and I... I tried to find you I went I the house and got arrested and a restraining order. Dylan said you were gone but he didn't know where."

"yeah well another of dad's conditions that meant I could go to school was that the baby had to" go away" as if he never was. I knew what that meant but to be honest I was pretty desperate after you left I was all alone with two parents who couldn't even look at me. I was basically imprisoned and half the time I was just completely locked up I wanted out. Dad had rejected my place at med school he said I could apply the next year if the baby went. "I rubbed my forehead feeling my voice start to break." if I didn't I wouldnt be welcome in his family or house. No money, no home no job no family no friends no partner and a baby", I shook my head, "the baby was innocent I wanted him so much but I wanted him to have better than what I had right then which was nothing I wasn't strong enough to do that." Chris wrapped his arms around me and held me to his chest as my tears flowed. He stroked my hair gently kissing the top of my head. I pulled back got up and picked up my wallet sliding out a slightly tattered photo. I held it out to Chris.

" his names Theo." he smiled, as he looked at the photo of the smiling 5 year old with a cheeky grin. "do you want to meet him?"


"we lied me and my mom we lied. If you want I can take you to meet your son."

Thanks for reading. Hope your still enjoying the story as always I really appreciate all your feedback ❤️❤️❤️