Taking a brake from trying

I have decided that it’s best for my mental health to take a brake from trying to have a baby. I won’t go back on birth control but actively tracking everything and doing everything right with no good outcome and dozens of negative test results have impacted my mental health and battle with depression. I just want to stop it all and if it happens then it happens. But right now tracking my cycles, taking fertility tests and having sex pretty much every day besides on my period is tiring. I have battled with depression since I was a kid and I have spent years teaching myself how to overcome my depression and how to get myself out of a depression episode. I don’t want all that to go down the drain because of the stress of trying to have a baby and the constant disappointment from my partner every time there’s a negative test and I get my period. And I hope my partner understands this. I’ll be talking to him about it tonight. I still want a baby so bad. But I don’t want to go back into deep depression while trying. So if one month from now or even a year from now I get pregnant then so be it. But I don’t want to keep worrying about it.