Should I be this excited ?!🤪🤪

So just a little backstory for you ladies , my SO and I have a 15 month old baby girl . She is literally our world , the light of our lives .

I have been waiting on the day that we can both come to an agreement on when to start trying for #2 because as long as we’re financially stable and ready , I’d LOVE for her and her sibling to be close in age .

Now my SO and I have gone back and forth on when is the right time to start trying again and finally today he said 2020!!!!! 🤩

I’m over the moon excited ! I can’t wait to feel the amazing feeling of growing life again and adding another one to our family . I would want the baby to be born sometime between September 2020 and February 2021 so what months does that put me in ? Anybody know ? Lol

Anyways I’m just literally counting down the days and enjoying every minute with my daughter being the “baby” . I can’t wait for this new chapter in our lives ☺️