


I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and work up during the night with severe itchiness on my palms and the soles of my feet. I called the hospital the next morning and they got me to come in to have the tests done. It came back negative for cholestasis (and everything else they tested me for) which was a HUGE relief. But since then, the itchiness has continued and I’ve started to develop other symptoms as well (hello pale poo and dark urine!)

During one night of severe itchiness and wondering whether I was being a hypochondriac, I read everything I could about it. One of the medical papers I read said the itchiness can occur one or two weeks before there are any changes in the liver or bile levels. So - if you are itchy, don’t worry, just keep your midwife informed and make sure they keep doing blood tests if your symptoms persist - and keep monitoring your baby’s movements!!

So have I’ve found lukewarm baths with lavender help, was well as canduela oils and taking on a ‘liver detox’ type diet to help with those acidity levels.