Anyone currently in here still?

Elizabeth • 👱🏻‍♀️👼🌈🤰🏽💙

Hello, I see most of the posts are old so just wondering if anyone is still in here?

I’ve has severe itching now starting at about 31 weeks like the severity level of wanting to rip your skin off at times (especially night) I’m 35 weeks now. I’ve had blood work done atleast once a week since then, atleast twice a week fetal monitoring, 24 hour urinalysis, the first week I had appts 4 out of 5 weekdays. I’m getting sooo tired of appts. My liver function enzymes are so high but my bile acid test came back in the normal range so they said it’s not cholestasis BUT they aren’t sure if we just caught it early since my enzymes are so high so they are treating me like I do have it. And I feel like I have it!! I asked Monday what they have down as my formal diagnosis and they said PUPPPs with high liver enzymes. Because I don’t have the cholestasis diagnosis they changed the plan of delivery no later than 37 weeks to now delivering when I’m 39 weeks 1 day. I know it doesn’t seem like a big difference but I’m so itchy I couldn’t help but be disappointed, plus...I feel like my body is only harming my little boy from here on out and putting him at risk. 😭

I’ve attached my most recent blood tests I have. They will test for bile acids again I think of Friday but it takes atleast 2 weeks to come back 🙄

Also, this is what my belly looks like which is why they are calling it puppps but ive had dots on my stretch marks from folliculitis forever and my belly really doesn’t itch compared to the rest of my body.