How far did you travel for IVF?

Kayla • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 > 🇺🇸 Married since November '17. Male Factor Infertility. IVF round 1. BFP! 👶🏻 girl due August 2020! 💞

I'm curious how far everyone travelled for <a href="">IVF</a> and why you decided on that clinic vs a closer one?

The clinic we currently go to is 84 miles each way, it's about a 3 hour round trip on a nightmare of a highway. 😩 We chose this clinic vs a closer one because our insurance (Cigna) classes it as a "Centre of Excellence" and we get an extra $5,000 in coverage for that.

That was the main reason we went there, as it turns out though I love my doctor! He's the only doctor at the practice and they have a very small nursing team so everybody remembers you and greets you by name it's been an amazing experience so far!

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