it’s happening!!!! Finally!!! 38+4

angelina • teen mum 🦋 baby Cali born September 7th 😍🤤🍼💛

So I made a post today asking you ladies for advice on whether or not I should go into L&D ! Decided to wait a couple hours and finally went in when the contractions were bad enough I couldn’t walk/talk through them! My Water didn’t break and no bloody show so I thought for sure I’d be sent home! But when I got here and they checked me I was almost 5cm dilated and 90% effaced ! I’ve gotten my epidural, and FTM/ for those of you who are nervous or scared about the procedure and getting one, I was soooo terrified of it but it seriously was nothing! Like no joke I didn’t feel a thing except relief almost instantly! Nothing to worry about! The anxiety and anticipation of getting one is the worst part (and the tape that gets ripped off your back afterwards lmao!!) !!

Anywayyssss I thought for sure I’d be sent home but here I am! Just waiting on my lil girl now! Wish me luckkkkkkk ! So excited lol!