Please help!! 😓


So I’ve been on the nuvaring for a year and I’ve always put it in on time (I have reminders) so last month, I got my period on time but it was very light, a bit red but mostly brown blood, it ended in two days which is normally because I put the ring back in. So on Monday I took out my ring so I can get my period today or Friday, but I haven’t gotten it. And have no symptoms. I’m just a bit worried, I have always been strict when it comes to my birth control because I am not ready to become a parent or have any pregnancy scares. I always put it in on time and as well as take it out on time. Even during sex, i take it out less than 3 hours(which is the rules) and wash it and put it back in. The most I have it out is like 30 minutes the most. Idk if I could be pregnant or my birth control is affecting my period. I recently started a new semester of college, idk if it’s because of stress and I have been having some family issues which could affect it. I just need some advice. Is this normal? I always had a regular period even before on BC