
I’m writing this as I’m in tears my fiancé works out of town Monday thru Friday sometimes Saturdays Thursday was my birthday I was alone all day and miserable I can’t work due to the baby so I sit home all day all week alone as it is going insane. He came home Thursday at 8:00 pm to at least spend my birthday night with me he pulled in the drive way at 8:00 walked in the house at 8:30(work kept calling him) we rented a movie I got to watch about thirty minutes of it before I had to turn it off because he was ready for bed. I’ve been begging for a steam mop that’s all I wanted for my birthday and since Christmas still never got it he promised me we would celebrate my birthday this weekend and do dinner and get my mop it’s not happening I went in to wake him up it’s 10:20am by holding him hinting about sex he cussed me out and told me he wants to sleep what do I do