So tired of being self conscious!

According to my family and almost everyone I know, I have NEVER been over weight or chunky but I promise I've always been self conscious and felt like it. Ive been told I have a fat "complex ".I look back at pics from a few years ago and I tell my self omfg I really was crazy for thinking I was big. I never realized how "dramatic " I was, until I met my BF 4yrs ago when he saw first hand how difficult it was for me to get ready or even find something to wear. He loves me and my body, I can see it everytime he looks at me.. not even being cocky or conceded but I do get attention from other people (men/woman) and sometimes I just wish I SAW what others see. I know who I am as a person, I love socializing and not at all insecure about myself (personality wise). Its frustrating sometimes, on the bad days. I always remind myself I'm happy and healthy and blessed at the end of the day. ❤