I can’t shut up!

So I’m 5 weeks and a day, I found out SUPER early. Like gyno was honestly shocked that I got a positive so early, and blood work looks great. But my problem is I won’t stop telling people! I know a lot of people don’t tell anyone until like 12 weeks or later but here’s the thing.... I’m so impatient and excited that I don’t care.

We had been trying for alittle over a year and I had planned all of my announcements to everyone. My parents, his parents, the soon to be godparents, friends, Facebook/Instagram, the whole planet basically but the second I found out it was like dominos. One after other fell through.

It started with my neighbor because I basically was hyperventilating in her driveway asking for another test. Then it was my mom, because I needed advice on what to do. Then my best friend, then my mom friend, then a half ass surprise with my husband. Later that night my dad.

Then after blood work came back positive, his family.

Then both of our work so they would know what was going on. Then my close friends. And then finally I told people at my Facebook group party only because there was a plethora of pregnant women there as well.

Now here I am with only Facebook and Instagram in the dark which just consists of aunts, uncles, cousins and high school friends and old colleagues.

And to be honest I don’t care if it’s too early. I’m so fucking happy and I’m so excited to have a new chapter in my life. And if, god forbid that something awful happens, at least I have a great support group of friends and family to stand by me and helping through it.

But please do pray for us and pray for all the women trying, or pregnant, or whatever may be going on.