My dad isn’t my dad

Torri • Wife, teacher, Mama, Baby girl Jan. 2018 🎀 Baby boy June 2019 👼🏻 Baby girl July 2020 TTC #4

My brother, who my family has distanced themselves from after he has made a series of poor life choices, revealed to me in a text message that my dad is not my biological father. I immediately confronted my mom about it and she admitted that it was true. I’m 29 and just now and finding this out. I am heartbroken. My dad has been there everyday of my life, he was in the delivery room the day I was born, but he is not my father, and he knew he wasn’t. This has been a giant family secret that they have all kept from me. The only family member of mine that didn’t know was my youngest brother. I have no hard feelings toward my dad, I respect and honor him in a way I never did before. He took my mom, who was pregnant and broken, and married her and raised her daughter as his own. I am angry at my brother, and my grandfather who told him, who is unfortunately dead now, and just feel so betrayed by my mom. She said it was a secret she planned to take to the grave. She said she ran his name a couple of years ago and she got back a 14 page criminal history report. I believe she did what was best by leaving him, but I can’t believe she didn’t tell me. Especially because just 6 months ago we were analyzing our family health history because my son had a genetic condition. I feel like I am living a movie, this kind of thing doesn’t happen in real life. I don’t know that I want to know anything about him since he sounds like a pretty bad guy, but I have so many questions, but am thinking I may be better off not knowing the answers. I don’t know what to feel, say, or do.