If anyone wants to shed light on this first time TTC


Faint frer, faint cheapie, negative digital then bfp cheapie? Blood test taken today.

Sooo I’ve thought I got a what I thought was a positive test before a few months ago on an amazon cheapie, and it ended up being a dye run and I got my period shortly after and it was the only test that showed as being faintly positive. Flash forward to being told that I have extra follicles on my ovaries and that I might have pcos( not that this matters but for reference I’m extremely petite and have a normal bmi) my hormones are normal just have the extra follicles, my period regulated itself out after coming off of bc, and have been like clock work for 3 months. This month (August into September) my husband and I BD’ed every other day and because I’m not sure when I ovulate just decided that was our best bet.

this month some how today I am one day late after my period was supposed to be due and I decided to take a test with a urine collection cup and dip it and it was faintly positive on an amazon cheapie and then I decided to follow up using the same urine (FMU) with a FRER that was also faintly positive. I then dipped two more cheapies to see and both were also faintly positive all tests with color and showed up within time frame. I called my Gyno and they said that I could have a blood test and to keep testing see if the line gets darker and also asked if I wanted to schedule a first ultra sound. (Which is crazy to ask with out confirming confirming it right ?! )

anyway I called my family practice doctor and my cousin who is a doctor and they said to schedule blood work so I did in mean time my cousin and mom suggested I get a digital that says yes or no so I did and it says NOT PREGNANT. Soo now I’m waiting on my blood work to come back hopefully by tomorrow. Feeling slightly nauseous tender boobs but not sure if that is just PMS or what. Oh yeah and I just got home from work and took another cheapie (pictured by itself) and the like looks darker to me ... anyway whoever read this long long post thank you you’re awesome and I appreciate it in advance !!