In need of advice from grown ass women


Hey guys, not really sure if I count as an adult yet. I’m only 18 but I’m a junior in college and pretty self sufficient so there’s that. case you haven’t noticed I need some advice. My boyfriend and I have generally been pretty good at communication but we had to start long distance this summer and I’ve been feeling...well...a little neglected. I’d also like to state that my boyfriend is a bit older and starting his career which is why he had to move for a bit. Long story short we’ll be living in the same city again in about a week and there are a few conversations that need to happen. I feel like I need to communicate my emotional needs but I’m not sure how to go about that right now without sounding selfish. I also need to figure out how to tell him that I was put on antidepressants this summer without him freaking out. I’m not sure if I communicated what I need help with very well on this post but basically I need some adults to help me out because we both take our relationship very seriously and I’m staring to develop some serious anxiety about talking to him about what my needs are because in the past when I tried to communicate my needs with partners they got super defensive and broke up with there’s that. I would also like to say that I’m very neutral when I bring up issues and there were some special circumstances that lead up to those situations. I know I’m young so before you attack me I promise I’m not going to give advice when I really don’t know much about adult relationships, I’m just looking for advice on how to get through the initial steps of communication with what I would classify as my first adultish relationship.