I can’t believe I didn’t know this...


Something kinda happened to me when I was 17 that scared me so bad that for the first time ever I called my mom to come get me from a friends house and cried until she got there. The fact that I was 17 and called her to come get me at midnight when she had to work in the AM made it pretty clear that I was not ok. Usually she would have been like “child you stuck.” But instead she was like “be there in 5”

I’ve told this story so many times on here but I guess I just never told my man. I was talking to him because we were watching a show about “true hauntings” and laughing about how cringe it was and then we started talking about our own experiences and he said “that sounds like the rake.”

The WHAT? So he goes to reddit and starts looking it up and found a story similar to mine and now I just feel really sick to my stomach.

A little backstory: this happened at my friends house. She had been caught smoking cigarettes by her parents and complained to me nearly everyday about her dad being weird and coming into her room at night and waking her up because she could hear him digging through her shelves and her purse and how he would even shove his hands up underneath her mattress and how “at this point it’s pissing me off.” Because it was every night.

She had begged me to come over even though I said I was tired and so I told her “if I come over I’m just gonna fall asleep.” And she was like “that’s fine just come see me.”

So I do what I said and I fall asleep on her bed like immediately and wake up about 6 hours later at midnight. She turned off her lights and went downstairs to watch TV. I wake up to what I thought was her voice, (something I have been confused about for years) it was a younger sounding calm female voice. It said “wake up, wake up you need to see.” And I thought she was for real waking me up to show me something so I was like “bitch nah I’m sleeping.” And she said “you need to wake up. Now.”

So I, very annoyed, sat up. Really confused because it was pitch black and I didn’t see her beside my head where I heard her. What I saw when I sat up was beyond me. It was long, bone thin, emaciated looking. It was crouched down in her floor digging through the trinkets on her lower shelves and then it went to her purse and started digging.

I gasped or moved or I don’t know what I did but it turned its head slowly and looked at me. From what I could tell, it had no face. From the side, no facial features. I saw no eyes.

It turned back and crawled like a gorilla dragging its feet from her bedroom into her bathroom. Fight or flight kicked in and the decision to run past that bathroom was excruciating. I felt physical pain but my brain was like “bitch it’s time to dip.” and I threw myself down a flight of stairs. When I came down she was like “oh my god are you okay?” And through hyperventilating and sobbing I said “it’s not your dad.”

Now look at this reddit post

This is one of those things where I don’t care if anyone believes me. I know what I Saw. I’ll tell this to anyone regardless of the funny looks they’ll give. Changed my views on everything. After my mom calmed me down I sat and thought for hours about it reliving it.